Renting out in Veldhoven?

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Renting out in Veldhoven

Did you ever thought about renting out your property in Veldhoven?

With companies like ASML, Maxima Medisch Centrum and the future Health Technology Park Veldhoven is a much desired location for expats. This is the reason that Rotsvast Eindhoven is always searching for new offers in Veldhoven.

Veldhoven is a place of business of several multinationals which have an import role in the Brainport area. Not only the multinationals are located in Veldhoven but you also have smaller business in the Veldhoven region. Therefore Veldhoven provides a lot of jobs. For all those employees housing is needed. Rots-Vast Groep Eindhoven is an important player in finding the right rental property for the expats.

Also the location compared to the High Tech Campus, the International School, Eindhoven Airport and Best makes Veldhoven a much desired location for the expats.

For questions please fill out the form, or you can of course always visit our office. Our staff are ready to help!