Renting an apartment in Breda?

property listings

Looking for an apartment to rent in Breda?

Rotsvast Groep Breda always has properties available in Breda, whether you’re looking to move in right away or not for another few weeks.

Our selection of apartments is definitely more than worth a browse. Whether you’re looking for an unfurnished apartment with no flooring or curtains to arrange to your own liking, an apartment with wall-to-wall flooring and curtains or a place that is already furnished, the choice is yours! Apartments are furthermore available either for a temporary period or an indefinite period. Downtown in one of the cities, or instead a more quiet area.

There are also lots of furnished apartments available for expat workers coming to Breda for a temporary period to work on a project.

We also offer: furnished properties for housing multiple workers.

Apartments specially for Expats

Specially for expats, Rotsvast Breda offers housing for short stays, e.g. fully-furnished properties with amenities for which the tenant or the company only needs to be given the key at move-in and subsequently return the key at the end of the rental period. Cleaning service, maintenance, TV, internet and furniture are all included.  Instead of putting up the worker in an expensive hotel, your workers will be able to rent short-stay housing including all amenities in which they will be able to feel more at home and have privacy and some extra room.

Rotsvast Breda can also of course help if you are looking for properties for longer stays. We are specialised in the rental of properties and apartments in the free (private) housing sector and have been leading the way for over 25 years in Breda when it comes to rental properties.

Besides rental apartments, Rotsvast Group also has listings for:

For any questions, please fill out the form, or you can of course always visit us at our offices. Our staff are ready to help you!